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Showing posts from June, 2024

Reading the Gospels Together

 Harmony of the Gospels   June Week 1:  The genealogy of Jesus   (Matthew 1:1–17, Luke 3:23–38)   Jesus’ birth and childhood   (Matthew 1:18–2:23, Luke 1:5–2:52)   John the Baptist’s ministry   (Matthew 3:1–12, Mark 1:1–8, Luke 3:1–18, John 1:19–34)    Christ’s public ministry and first Passover   (Matthew 3:13–4:12, Mark 1:9–14, Luke 3:21–4:13, John 1:35–4:42)   Christ’s ministry in Galilee   (Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14–15, Luke 4:14–15, John 4:43–54)   His rejection at Nazareth and move to Capernaum   (Matthew 4:13–22; 8:14–17, Mark 1:16–34, Luke 4:16–41)   June Week 2:  His first ministry tour and second Passover   (Matthew 4:23–12:14, Mark 1:35–3:6, Luke 4:42–7:50, John 5:1–47)   His second ministry tour   (Matthew 12:15–13:58, Mark 3:7–6:6, Luke 8:1–56)   His third ministry tour   (Matthew 9:35–11:1; 14:1–12, Mark 6:6–29, Luke 9:1–9)  Ministry to his disciples and third Passover   (Matthew 14:13–18:35, Mark 6:30–9:50, Luke 9:10–56, John 6:1–71)    His second ministry tour   (Matthew