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Showing posts from February, 2023

Romans 16

  SECTION OUTLINE SIXTEEN (ROMANS 16) In closing, Paul greets a few specific friends and gives some final instructions. I. Paul and the People of the Gospel (16:1–16, 21–24) A. He is sending a special woman to the church in Rome (16:1–2). 1. Who she is (16:1a): She is Phoebe, a godly servant of Christ. 2. Where she is coming from (16:1b): She is from the church in Cenchrea. 3. Why she is coming (16:2): She will minister to the Roman church as she has done for many others. B. He sends a special welcome to the church in Rome (16:3–16, 21–24). 1. Paul sends greetings to 26 individuals (16:3–16). a. His friends Aquila and Priscilla (16:3–5a) b. His friend Epenetus, who was the first Christian in Asia (16:5b) c. Mary, who has worked hard for the Roman church (16:6) d. His relatives Andronicus, Junias, and Herodion (16:7, 11a) e. Other friends and coworkers: Ampliatus, Urbanus, Stachys, Apelles, the household of Aristobulus, the Christians in the household of Narcis