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Romans 16



In closing, Paul greets a few specific friends and gives some final instructions.

I. Paul and the People of the Gospel (16:1–16, 21–24)

A. He is sending a special woman to the church in Rome (16:1–2).

1. Who she is (16:1a): She is Phoebe, a godly servant of Christ.

2. Where she is coming from (16:1b): She is from the church in Cenchrea.

3. Why she is coming (16:2): She will minister to the Roman church as she has done for many others.

B. He sends a special welcome to the church in Rome (16:3–16, 21–24).

1. Paul sends greetings to 26 individuals (16:3–16).

a. His friends Aquila and Priscilla (16:3–5a)

b. His friend Epenetus, who was the first Christian in Asia (16:5b)

c. Mary, who has worked hard for the Roman church (16:6)

d. His relatives Andronicus, Junias, and Herodion (16:7, 11a)

e. Other friends and coworkers: Ampliatus, Urbanus, Stachys, Apelles, the household of Aristobulus, the Christians in the household of Narcissus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus, his mother, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas (16:8–10, 11b–16)

2. Paul sends greetings from eight individuals (16:21–24).

a. Timothy (16:21a)

b. Paul’s relatives Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater (16:21b)

c. Tertius, the scribe who is writing Romans as Paul dictates it (16:22)

d. Gaius and Quartus (16:23–24)

II. Paul and the Perversion of the Gospel (16:17–19): Paul warns of some troublemakers in the Roman church.

A. What they are doing (16:17)

1. Causing divisions (16:17a)

2. Teaching false doctrine (16:17b)

3. Upsetting people’s faith (16:17c)

B. Why they are doing it (16:18–19): To gain money and power for themselves.

III. Paul and the Promise of the Gospel (16:20): God will someday crush Satan under our feet.

IV. Paul and the Power of the Gospel (16:25–27)

A. It has the power to strengthen saints (16:25a).

B. It has the power to save sinners (16:25b–27).


Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Ro 1–16:27). Tyndale House Publishers.


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