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In Second Peter 1:5-9, Peter addresses his readers who are already believers and encourages them to add certain virtues to their faith. These virtues serve as important steps in their spiritual growth and development. Let's look at each step in more detail:

(1) Add goodness to faith (1:5): Peter emphasizes that true faith goes beyond mere intellectual belief or affirmation. It should be accompanied by genuine goodness, which involves transparent trust and ready obedience. This means that believers should actively pursue acts of kindness and righteousness, rather than being passive in their faith.

(2) Add knowledge to goodness (1:5): While some knowledge is necessary for faith, Peter urges believers to go beyond the basics. He encourages them to deepen their understanding of God's Word and His ways. A growing knowledge of God's truth is stabilizing and motivating, equipping believers to live in accordance with His will.

(3) Add self-control to knowledge (1:6): Knowledge alone can lead to pride and lack of transformation. However, when self-control is added to knowledge, it counteracts these negative tendencies. Self-control, a fruit of the Spirit, enables believers to resist temptations, make wise choices, and live a disciplined life.

(4) Add perseverance to self-control (1:6): It is not enough to exercise self-control in isolated moments or favorable circumstances. Perseverance is needed to maintain self-control over the long haul. It requires enduring through challenges, remaining steadfast in faith, and continually refining self-control to shine brightly.

(5) Add godliness to perseverance (1:6): Peter warns against a perseverance that is solely based on human willpower. True perseverance is rooted in godliness, which means being centered on God and His ways. It involves a genuine religious devotion that transforms mere determination into a godly character.

(6) Add brotherly kindness to godliness (1:7): Peter acknowledges the danger of becoming self-righteous and unforgiving when practicing self-control, perseverance, and godliness. To counteract this, he urges believers to cultivate brotherly kindness. This involves treating others with love, compassion, and humility, fostering unity and harmony within the community of believers.

(7) Add love to brotherly kindness (1:7): Above all, Peter encourages believers to add love to brotherly kindness. Love is the highest virtue and reflects the character of Jesus Himself. When love is present, believers mirror the love of Christ and demonstrate His transformative power in their lives.

These seven steps are not to be taken lightly. Peter emphasizes the importance of diligently pursuing these virtues. He reminds believers that their pursuit of these qualities is motivated by the great and precious promises of God, which allow them to participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world. By incorporating these virtues into their lives, believers can experience the fullness of their relationship with Christ and avoid being ineffective and unproductive in their knowledge of Him.

Revised from (Source: Carson, D. A. (1998). For the love of God: a daily companion for discovering the riches of God's Word. Vol. 1, p. 359. Crossway Books.)


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