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Romans 3



Paul presents six questions and answers them for his readers.

I. First Question and Answer (3:1–2)

A. Question (3:1): What are the advantages of being a Jew or of being circumcised?

B. Answer (3:2): The most important advantage is that Israel has been entrusted with the Word of God.

II. Second Question and Answer (3:3–4)

A. Question (3:3): Will Israel’s unfaithfulness nullify God’s promises?

B. Answer (3:4)

1. Paul’s testimony (3:4a): “Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true.”

2. David’s testimony (3:4b): Paul quotes from Psalm 51:4 to prove his point.

III. Third Question and Answer (3:5–8)

A. Question (3:5): If our unrighteousness brings out God’s righteousness, isn’t he unfair to punish us?

B. Answer (3:6–8)

1. The reprobation (3:8b): Paul has been falsely accused of teaching this very thing—that is, do evil that good may result.

2. The reply (3:6–8a): Paul responds, “If you follow that kind of thinking … you might as well say that the more we sin the better it is! Those who say such things deserve to be condemned.”

IV. Fourth Question and Answer (3:9–20)

A. Question (3:9a): Are the Jews better than all other people?

B. Answer (3:9b–20)

1. The corruption (3:10–18): Paul describes the cancer of sin that has infected the human race.

a. Human conscience is depraved (3:10–11): No one even desires to know and follow God.

b. Human character is depraved (3:12): All have left the path of good and have became worthless.

c. Human conversation is depraved (3:13–14): People’s talk is foul and filthy, resembling:

(1) The stench from an open grave (3:13a)

(2) The poison from a deadly snake (3:13b–14)

d. Human conduct is depraved (3:15–18).

(1) “They are quick to commit murder” (3:15–17).

(2) “They have no fear of God” (3:18).

2. The conclusion (3:9, 19–20): After presenting all the terrible facts, Paul reaches this twofold conclusion:

a. Both Jew and Gentile have sinned against God (3:9).

b. Both Jew and Gentile stand accused before God (3:19–20).

V. Fifth Question and Answer (3:21–30)

A. Question (3:21a): How then does God save people?

B. Answer (3:21b–30)

1. The need for salvation (3:23): It is desperately needed, for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

2. The Old Testament witness to salvation (3:21b): The Scriptures promise salvation apart from the law.

3. The method of salvation (3:22, 24–25, 27–28)

a. Negative (3:27–28): It is not accomplished by good works.

b. Positive (3:22, 24–25): It comes about by grace through faith in the sacrifice of Christ.

4. The legal accomplishment of salvation (3:26): It permits a just and holy God to declare repenting sinners righteous.

5. The scope of salvation (3:29–30): It is available for both Jews and Gentiles alike.

VI. Sixth Question and Answer (3:31)

A. Question (3:31a): Does faith nullify the law?

B. Answer (3:31b): To the contrary, faith fulfills the law!





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