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Romans 7



Paul discusses how the law of God applies to and affects three kinds of people.

I. Spiritual People and the Law (7:1–6)

A. Their relationship to the law (7:1–3, 5)

1. They are like widows freed from their husbands (7:1–3).

2. They are like dead men freed from their lusts (7:5).

B. Their relationship to the Savior (7:4, 6)

1. They have been raised by Christ (7:4a, 6): They are released from the law.

2. They are now to produce fruit through Christ (7:4b): Thus spiritual people are delivered from the law.

II. NaturaL People and the Law (7:7–13): The law is used in a twofold manner.

A. The illustration usage (7:7, 10): God used the law to reveal the sinfulness of the flesh.

B. The condemnation usage (7:8–9, 11–13): Sin used the law to rekindle the sinfulness of the flesh. Thus natural people are doomed by the law.

III. Carnal People and the Law (7:14–25)

A. Paul has learned that any attempt to keep the law leads to carnality (7:14–23).

1. The confusion (7:14–16): Paul’s frustration is twofold.

a. He doesn’t do the things he wants to do (7:14–15a, 16a).

b. He does the things he doesn’t want to do (7:15b, 16b).

2. The corruption (7:17–20): He realizes the total corruption of his old sinful nature.

3. The conclusion (7:21–23): He understands the daily struggle within him.

a. The old nature, always attempting to do wrong (7:21a, 23)

b. The new nature, always attempting to do right (7:21b–22)

B. Paul has learned that no attempt to keep the law can lead to spirituality (7:24–25).

1. The agony of Paul’s problem (7:24): “What a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin?”

2. The answer to Paul’s problem (7:25): “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”



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