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Romans 8



Paul outlines seven new assurances accompanying salvation.

I. The Believer Has a New Position (8:1–8).

A. Our position in regard to the Son of God (8:1–3): The believer is in Christ.

1. The miracle involved (8:1, 3a): Believers receive no condemnation and are freed from sin and death.

2. The means involved (8:2, 3b): This was accomplished not through the law of Moses but by the death of Christ.

B. Our position in regard to the law of God (8:4–8): We are now able to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law in and through Christ.

II. The Believer Has a New Guest (8:9–14).

A. Who he is (8:9): He is the blessed Holy Spirit himself.

B. What he does (8:10–14)

1. He once strengthened Christ and raised him from the dead (8:11).

2. He now lives within us and controls us (8:9).

3. He now strengthens us and will someday raise us from the dead (8:10, 12–14).

III. The Believer Has a New Adoption (8:15–17): We are now members of God’s family.

A. Giving us an intimacy with the Father (8:15–16)

B. Giving us an inheritance from the Father (8:17)

IV. The Believer Has a New Hope (8:18–25): The nature of this hope is the full and final redemption of all things, including:

A. Christians (8:18, 23–25)

1. The present grief (8:18a, 23): Believers groan to be released from pain and suffering.

2. The future glory (8:18b, 24–25)

a. The comparison (8:18b): Today’s grief is nothing when compared with tomorrow’s glory.

b. The command (8:24–25): Until then, however, we are to wait patiently and confidently.

B. Creation (8:19–22)

1. Nature, the victim (8:20, 21b–22): The natural world of plants and animals groans in pain because of the fall.

2. Nature, the victor (8:19, 21a): Nature, too, will be liberated from decay and death to freedom and fruitfulness.

V. The Believer Has a New Prayer Helper (8:26–27).

A. The identity of this helper (8:26a): He is the Holy Spirit.

B. The indispensability of this helper (8:26b): His prayers are vital, because we don’t even know what we should pray for.

C. The intensity of this helper (8:26c–27)

1. How he prays (8:26c): He prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

2. What he prays (8:27): He pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will.

VI. The Believer Has a New Confidence (8:28).

A. What it involves (8:28a): God causes everything to work together for good.

B. Whom it involves (8:28b): Those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

VII. The Believer Has a New Destiny (8:29–39).

A. The summary (8:29): The Father himself has decreed that all believers should become like his dear Son!

B. The steps (8:30)

1. We were foreknown by the Father (8:30a).

2. We were predestined by the Father (8:30b).

3. We were called by the Father (8:30c).

4. We were justified by the Father (8:30d).

5. We were glorified by the Father (8:30e).

C. The security (8:31–39)

1. There exists no possible accusation against believers (8:31–34).

a. The Father will not allow this (8:31–33).

(1) He once gave us his Son (8:31–32a).

(2) He now gives us all things (8:32b–33).

b. The Son will not allow this (8:34).

(1) He died for us (8:34a).

(2) He was resurrected for us (8:34b).

(3) He now prays for us (8:34c).

2. There exists no possible separation from the Savior (8:35–39): This includes:

a. Both life and death (8:35–38a)

b. Both angels and demons (8:38b)

c. Both present and future (8:38c)

d. Both height and depth (8:39)



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