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Romans 14



Paul discusses the believer’s responsibilities toward those Christians who are weak in the faith.

I. No Believer Should Be Judged by Another Believer Down Here (14:1–8, 13–23).

A. We are not to criticize others’ legalism (14:1–8).

1. The rules (14:1–6)

a. Don’t judge in matters of diet (14:1–4, 6b): Some feel it is wrong to eat meat or any food that has been sacrificed to an idol.

b. Don’t judge in matters of days (14:5–6a): Some feel certain days are more sacred than others.

2. The reason (14:7–8): Both the weaker and stronger believer belong to the Lord and must love each other.

B. We are not to corrupt our liberty (14:13–23).

1. The mature Christian is not to become a stumbling block (14:13–18).

a. He is not to permit good and lawful things to be viewed as evil and lawless (14:13–16).

b. He is not to forget that love is more important than personal liberties (14:17–18).

2. The mature Christian is to become a stepping-stone (14:19–23).

II. Every Believer Will Be Judged by the Savior Up There (14:9–12).

A. The foundation of this judgment (14:9): It is based on the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.

B. The forbearance in light of this judgment (14:10): Don’t compound your problems up there by judging your brother down here.

C. The features of this judgment (14:11–12)

1. Every knee will bow (14:11a).

2. Every tongue will confess (14:11b).

3. Everyone will give an account to the Lord (14:12).




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