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Romans 15



Paul talks about how Christians should live in relation to others. He writes about his travel plans and prayers for his Roman audience.

I. The Prompting of Paul (15:1–4, 8–12)

A. His exhortation (15:1–2): Paul urges the mature believer not to please himself but to build up the faith of weaker Christians.

B. His example (15:3–4, 8–12)

1. He points to the Scriptures (15:4): Its pages are full of examples where many endured and encouraged others.

2. He points to the Savior (15:3, 8–12).

a. Jesus came not to gratify himself but to give himself (15:3).

b. Jesus came to guarantee God’s salvation to Jews and Gentiles (15:8–12).

(1) To the Jews (15:8): He came to show that God keeps his promises to the Jews.

(2) To the Gentiles (15:9–12): See also Deuteronomy 32:43; Psalm 18:49; and Isaiah 11:10.

II. The Prayer of Paul (15:5–7, 13)

A. He prays that God would favor the Roman church with endurance, encouragement, and unity (15:5–7).

B. He prays that God will fill the Roman church with joy, peace, and hope (15:13).

III. THE Plans of Paul (15:14–29)

A. The apostle reviews his past activities (15:14–22).

1. He writes concerning his main ministry (15:14–18): Paul reminds his readers of his special calling to the Gentiles.

2. He writes concerning his miracles (15:19a): God has empowered him to perform signs and wonders.

3. He writes concerning his mission field (15:19b): Paul has preached Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum.

4. He writes concerning his methodology (15:20–22).

a. As practiced by Paul (15:20): He preached the gospel where Christ was not known in order to avoid building on another’s foundation.

b. As predicted by Isaiah (15:21–22): This Old Testament prophet wrote concerning this seven centuries earlier (Isa. 52:15).

B. The apostle previews his future activities (15:23–29).

1. Eventual future plans (15:23–24)

a. To visit Spain (15:23–24a)

b. To visit Rome (15:24b)

2. Immediate future plans (15:25–29)

a. The place (15:25a): Jerusalem

b. The purpose (15:25b–29): To present a financial gift for needy believers there, which Paul has collected during his missionary journeys

IV. The Plea of Paul (15:30–33): The apostle requests the church’s prayers concerning two matters.

A. That he be protected in Jerusalem from unbelievers (15:30–31a)

B. That he be accepted in Jerusalem by believers (15:31b–33)


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